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More Ore is an incremental RPG clicker game where you mine ores. Use those ores to purchase buildings that generate passive income. Go on quests to find better equips and defeat unique bosses with their own skillsets. Recover legendary artifacts that provide mythical powers. Rescue pets that can accompany and aid you on your journey and amass a following with your reputation. All for the quest for More Ore.

StatusIn development
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(12 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing, Adventure
TagsClicker, Incremental

Development log


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Very good idle game!

Hey, Im on a chromebook and I can't see some things, like the rock, different backgrounds, or the images for the workers/upgrades. I got reset recently, but I was planning to wipe on new update anyway, so no biggie.

(3 edits)

followers city hall won't work I can't get more science labs and I need more wood/stone then I can get so that I can hold more and I can't get the tailor building so followers need WORK (I play from web browser if that is important but could not find help on fandom)  otherwise great game oh and I reddit is blocked so can't use that and discord is too(11/10)  

You need a better web browser like chrome, bing, safari, firefox or Microsoft edge otherwise it your WiFi restrictions 

Im having trouble using adventure i used it once at the start and now I'm gen 21 it will not work could u do anything please

Will you be releasing the source code for this? 

(1 edit)

Some questions:

1) What causes the bags with items in them to drop? It seems sometimes they drop when the current block is mined to 0%.

2) When those items drop, do they stay until collected or do they eventually time out and disappear? (The wording of some researches seem to indicate they time out unless you have researched ways to make they stay longer/infinite time?)

3) Same two questions when ... not certain what to call them, but those "chunks" of "bonus" ore that drop. Those seem to drop at certain "milestone" percentages, but I have not watched close enough to see which percentages.

4) The paper doll for my hero shows multiple equipment, including an additional slot for a second hand weapon. How do I obtain those?

5) I have only "refined" twice, since there is very little in ways of information or guides on how those mechanics work. Could you give some additional information on that?

6) Could you explain what some of the terms, abbreviations, and acronyms mean? Like OpS, OpC, etc? (I can figure out some, but no all.)

Ideally, post these kinds of information in the game description for all new players to see, not just as an answer to my post.



Make it so that missed combos do not reset the combo count completely. Instead, have it deduct 2, 3, 4, 5, or even a percentage such as 1%, 5%, or 10%. (Or have a research that does something like this.)

As it is, I have to invest extra time and effort to more precisely ensure my pointer is correctly positioned. I can imagine that players with touch screens (i.e., on phones) get very frustrated with how imprecise tapping on the screen can be. It would also reduce frustration from mis-clicks and jitter (the very act of clicking makes my pointer sometimes move a small amount).




The game seems to be broken, it now says the screen is too small and that it detects a cheater, even though it was playing just fine last night


Oh no! Will be fixing this very soon!


Fixed! Sorry for the inconvenience!


Ah rip, file got corrupted and discord is blocked on this computer.

Good game nonetheless.


Edit: fixed it


The pacing of unlocking content in this game is very well done.


Thank you!

LMK if anything ever feels off paced! I take player feedback very seriously.


I actually think if you play a game like cookie clicker it is a lot easier to go up in levels in their equivalent of "buildings" than it is in this version. However, the addition of research and adventures fixes this problem because it gives you more content to do while you wait. I just still think the speed of building unlocks could be a tad faster. I also think there should be a way to increase the speed of the levels the player earns.

There actually is a way! YOu probably just haven't unlocked that portion yet :)


Hey, thanks for the reply! Sounds good, I've been playing it for a few days and that was one of the only things that stood out. Otherwise I'm having a lot of fun!


Thanks so much for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

Please leave a rating on the game :). It really helps with the visibility for the game. <3






and yep :)


yep :)


There is a bug which makes you lose combo even though you are on the combo spot. It requires a second or third click to actually hit the circle. I haven't found a way to not lose focus if that happens as the circle doesn't turn red no matter where I put the mouse pointer.

This is very annoying as it makes the 500 combo streak impossible.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing my game!

Should have a fix for this bug within a couple hours.
In the meantime, there's a research upgrade called Combo Shield which prevents a misclick (or in this case, a bugged click). Use that along side the Combo Preventor which automatically toggles on when Combo Shield gets activated!